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How To Banish BatWings

Updated on September 3, 2015

The dreaded batwings! You wave goodbye to someone only to realize you're flapping your batwing! That is enough to make someone self conscious! Well you don't have to live with extra arm flab! There are tips and techniques you can implement to get your arms in a more tone condition.

The key to toning your batwings is to hit the muscles that are within that area. There are some exercise that will hit the area, but we want to maximize our results so I am going to cover the most bang for your buck exercises. If you are going to expend the effort you might as well get the best results you possibly can!

Banishing those batwings means working on your triceps. Those are the exact muscles you want to target. While diet plays into weight loss, we are going to concentrate on specific exercises in this hub. If you want to read a little bit about tips for weight loss, you can find that here.

Tricep dips are an exercise you can do almost anywhere and it is highly effective. This exercise specifically works the lateral head of the muscle. You extend your arms straight out and downward, gripping onto the edge of a bench. Then you lower yourself in a controlled manner, with your feet extended out in front of you. When your arms are in a 90 degree angle, you raise yourself back up in a controlled manner as well. I personally will do three sets of these and do as many reps as I can in each one. I'll take a two minute break in between them for recovery.

If extending your legs out in front of you proves to be too taxing for you, you can simply bend your knees as suggested in the picture below. This is an alternative way to do tricep dips. Just make sure you are not using your legs in any way, or it will take away from the results you will get.

Next exercise is the kickback. You stand bent over, near a chair. You can use the chair as leverage if you need to. You then hold your dumbbell in your hand, with your upper arm parallel with your back. Then you take your upper arm, from a relaxed position, and extend it backwards until your arm is straight out. NOTE: Make sure you never move your upper arm. It always stays perfectly parallel to your body and in its fixed position.

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Next is the close grip press. This is an exercise that can be done with either a dumbbell or a bench press bar. What you will do is either lay on a bench or put your upper back on a chair, while having your legs out and bent like a table top. Your back should be parallel with the floor by this time. Raise the dumbbells above your chest, but keep them close together. Then lower them back down to where your upper arms are almost parallel with your back.

Triangle pushups are a great way to tone your batwings PLUS tone your chest muscles. You are going to assume the pushup position, except you are going to make a triangle with your thumb and index fingers. You are going to keep your back straight and tighten your core muscles. Then you will extend your legs out and raise up onto your tiptoes. You are going to slowly lower yourself to the floor, but stop just before your chest touches the floor. Then you will raise back up slowly, using your arms to elevate you from the floor. I do three sets of these as well. I do as many reps as I can until the back of my arm fatigues to where I can't do anymore.

Below is a video with a few other exercises that you can incorporate in your fight against batwings. Every women wants to feel and look their best. Educating yourself is the first step in that process. The exercises I have highlighted above are from my experience and extensive research. They have proven to be the most bang for buck! Just remember this golden rule. When something starts to become too easy then it is not doing anything for you, except maybe maintaining. If you want to see tangible results than always shock your body. Add a certain element into your workout that makes it challenging. Just like your brain, our muscles need stimulation to grow, excel and tone. Perfect example, if your squats aren't doing much for you or you have to do a billion reps to feel it, then add some weights or add a little jump to them. Little modifications can always up your game no matter what you are doing!


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